Internationalization business of company Cantabile KK.

About project:The main problem that this project seeks to solve is the insufficient competitiveness of company Cantabile in the domestic and foreign confectionery market, which is primarily reflected in the weak market position and unrecognizability / non-existence of the company's brand in targeted markets of frozen mono portions. The main cause is a lack of targeted marketing activities. The target groups of the project are company Cantabile, the company's employees, and all existing clients.

Objectives and expected results of the project:: Increased competitiveness of Cantabile in the foreign market through participation in international fairs

Project title:Internationalization business of company Cantabile KK.

Total project value: 1.047.345,28 HRK

Amount co-financed by the EU:: 348.468,75 HRK

Project implementation period:: 1.11. 2020.- 1.11.2022.


Call title:Internationalization of SMEs-Phase 2

Fund: The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund

Operational Program:Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020

User name:Cantabile d.o.o. for catering and trade

OIB: 07865774959

Address:: Gulini 78, Šibenik

Contact person:: Ante Gulin

Phone number:: +385 98337 548


The content of this website is entirely responsibility of Cantabile d.o.o. and does not represent the official opinions of the European Union.


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